ASX Announcements
- Revised Announcement re Vanadium Pentoxide - Retraction of Announcements/Cautionary Statement 12/12/2018 (pdf 3.5 MB)
- Cleansing Statement and Appendix 3B 29/11/2018 (pdf 864 KB)
- Results of Annual General Meeting 29/11/2018 (pdf 150 KB)
- Renewal of Prospecting Licence 43/2016 27/11/2018 (pdf 232 KB)
- Proposed Issue of Securities 20/11/2018 (pdf 60 KB)
- Notice of General Meeting/Explanatory Statement and Proxy Form 02/11/2018 (pdf 568 KB)
- Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Reports - 30 September 2018 31/10/2018 (pdf 7.1 MB)
- Appendix 3B and Cleansing Statement 08/10/2018 (pdf 868 KB)
- Share Placement 05/10/2018 (pdf 66 KB)
- Appendix 4G - Corporate Governance 27/09/2018 (pdf 268 KB)
- Annual Reports FY2018 27/09/2018 (pdf 1.6 MB)
- Part 2 - Vanadium & Germanium at the Nxuu-Kihabe Zn/Pb/Ag Deposit Part 2 (Kihabe) 24/09/2018 (pdf 4.5 MB)
- Part 1 - Vanadium & Germanium at Nxuu/Kihabe Zn/Pb/Ag Deposits - Part 1 - Nxuu 24/09/2018 (pdf 4.7 MB)
- Nxuu Deposit - Ratio of Mineralised Zones including VANADIUM to waste Zones 13/08/2018 (pdf 4.1 MB)
- Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Reports - 30 June 2018 30/07/2018 (pdf 4.6 MB)
- Interview with Boardroom.Media 17/07/2018 (pdf 262 KB)
- Revised Announcement with attachments - Vanadium Results 7 July 2018 09/07/2018 (pdf 3.2 MB)
- Vanadium Assay Results - Kihabe and Nxuu Deposits 05/07/2018 (pdf 513 KB)
- Vanadium Mineralisation - Gossan Anomaly - Kihabe Project 27/06/2018 (pdf 2.2 MB)
- Trading Halt 25/06/2018 (pdf 140 KB)
- Broker Presentation 22/05/2018 (pdf 2 MB)
- Cleansing Statement/Appendix 3B 21/05/2018 (pdf 865 KB)
- Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Reports - 31 March 2018 30/04/2018 (pdf 2.7 MB)
- Proposed Issue of Securities 30/04/2018 (pdf 62 KB)
- Vanadium Mineralisation - Nxuu Deposit Botswana 03/04/2018 (pdf 2.6 MB)
- Vanadium Mineralisation - Zone 4 - Kihabe Project Botswana 22/03/2018 (pdf 3.5 MB)
- Response to ASX Query of 16 March 2018 19/03/2018 (pdf 841 KB)
- Vanadium Mineralisation - Kihabe Project Botswana 16/03/2018 (pdf 1.5 MB)
- Half Yearly Report and Accounts - 31 December 2017 14/03/2018 (pdf 632 KB)
- Results of General Meeting 08/03/2018 (pdf 70 KB)
- Interview with Proactive Investors London 06/03/2018 (pdf 105 KB)
- Drilling Results Kihabe Zinc/Lead/Silver/Germanium Deposit, Botswana 12/02/2018 (pdf 4.1 MB)
- Drilling Results - Nxuu Zinc, Lead, Silver, Germanium Deposit - Botswana 05/02/2018 (pdf 7.4 MB)
- Notice of General Meeting/Explanatory Statement and Proxy Form 02/02/2018 (pdf 395 KB)
- Response to ASX Query of 29 January 2018 30/01/2018 (pdf 124 KB)
- Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Reports - 31 December 2017 29/01/2018 (pdf 455 KB)