ASX Announcements
- Results of Annual General Meeting 30/11/2016 (pdf 75 KB)
- Chairman's Address to Shareholders and Kihabe Project Presentation 30/11/2016 (pdf 1.6 MB)
- Kihabe Zinc Lead Silver Project Drilling Update 15/11/2016 (pdf 826 KB)
- Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Reports- 30 September 2016 26/10/2016 (pdf 1.2 MB)
- Notice of Change of Interests of Substantial Holder 26/10/2016 (pdf 353 KB)
- Funding Secured, Current Driling Program Extended 26/10/2016 (pdf 718 KB)
- Appendix 3B and Cleansing Statement 26/10/2016 (pdf 277 KB)
- Proposed Issue of Securities 19/10/2016 (pdf 50 KB)
- Notice of Annual General Meeting / Explanatory Statement and Proxy Form 17/10/2016 (pdf 510 KB)
- Becoming a Substantial Share Holder 12/10/2016 (pdf 196 KB)
- Kihabe Zinc Project Drilling Program Commenced 12/10/2016 (pdf 711 KB)
- Appendix 4G - Corporate Governance 28/09/2016 (pdf 328 KB)
- Annual Reports FY2016 28/09/2016 (pdf 1.2 MB)
- Results of General Meeting 22/09/2016 (pdf 68 KB)
- Drilling to commence at Kihabe Zn/Pb/Ag Project Botswana 19/09/2016 (pdf 720 KB)
- Initial Director's Interest Notice 29/08/2016 (pdf 195 KB)
- Appointment of Director 29/08/2016 (pdf 207 KB)
- Notice of General Meeting 16/08/2016 (pdf 391 KB)
- Appendix 3B and Cleansing Statement 12/08/2016 (pdf 744 KB)
- Initial Director's Interest Notice 01/08/2016 (pdf 195 KB)
- Appointment of non executive director 01/08/2016 (pdf 55 KB)
- Appendix 3B and Cleansing Statement 01/08/2016 (pdf 744 KB)
- Quarterly Activities Report - 30 June 2016 29/07/2016 (pdf 6.3 MB)
- Quarterly Cash Flow Report - 30 June 2016 29/07/2016 (pdf 139 KB)
- Proposed Issue of Securities 29/07/2016 (pdf 52 KB)
- Significant Germanium Credits Kihabe-Nxuu Project 05/05/2016 (pdf 1.3 MB)
- Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Reports - 31 March 2016 28/04/2016 (pdf 713 KB)
- Appendix 3B and Cleansing Statement 06/04/2016 (pdf 620 KB)
- UPDATE - Kihabe Zn/Pb/Ag Project - Botswana 18/03/2016 (pdf 242 KB)
- Half Yearly Report and Accounts - 31 December 2015 15/03/2016 (pdf 825 KB)
- Recovery of Gallium, Germanium and Silver, Kihabe/Nxuu Zn/Pb/Ag Project, Botswana 11/02/2016 (pdf 284 KB)
- Grant of new Prospecting Licence over Kihabe Project 28/01/2016 (pdf 481 KB)
- Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Reports - 31 December 2015 28/01/2016 (pdf 316 KB)
- Expiry of Employee Share Options and Appendix 3B 05/01/2016 (pdf 637 KB)